A member since 1988, Jan Iwashita more than meets the criteria for Soroptimist of the Year. Her long service, this her 25th year, is a model of commitment and dedication to Soroptimists and to our Club. She has been with our Club through many years of success in furthering our mission of improving the lives of women and girls.

The depth and breadth of her service reaches every aspect of our Club from holding elected positions to chairing and serving on committees. Jan has been on the Board numerous times and held a variety of offices. She has sold more than her share of See’s Candy and football tickets and who knows what else to raise money for our mission. Jan is a consistent and visible support in our signature Legends’ Luncheon event. Three years ago, Jan volunteered to be in charge of developing and implementing our underwriting sponsor opportunity for the luncheon…a previously untapped resource in our luncheon fundraiser. Because of her efforts, underwriting has become a significant part of the proceeds realized from the luncheon. It has grown every year since under her leadership and direction.

Jan is a “wise woman’ in our club providing historical perspective, valued input and suggestions, and a champion for our Club and members. The only thing she has not accomplished on most days recently is to get “gas for less”…it’s always a “little bit more.”

What better recognition and gesture of appreciation for her many years of membership in and service to SI Coronado than Soroptimist of the Year.